

Opinion Pieces/Commentary


  • Dance Mama Dance: Fundraised over $1,000 for Malketha Maternal Services, a nonprofit organization in Uganda that focuses on maternal mental health in early childhood development. Proceeds directed towards Dance Mama Dance, a weekend event geared towards empowering mothers through movement.
  • Smiles for Naga Valadia: Fundraised over $3,000 for Project RISHI, a student-run nonprofit that implements sustainable health initiatives in rural India. Proceeds directed towards Smiles for Naga Valadia, an oral hygiene and tobacco de-addiction project that utilized a combination of education and a dental camp to improve oral health in the village.


Project RISHI

Co-created the following short films as the Director of RISHI Films on the executive board.

  • Phir Milenge (filming, editing): documents Project RISHI’s oral hygiene initiative with a special focus on interpersonal relationships with village members and community organizers.
  • 8000 Miles is Just a Number (directing, filming, editing): showcasing how Project RISHI can remain connected to a village across the world.
  • Pushing the Envelope (directing, filming, editing): an exposé on the student experience in project RISHI, in contrast to the loneliness and cynicism that college students may face.

Global Health Corps

Selected as one of 32 fellows from 4,000 applicants (<1% acceptance rate). Placed at LifeNet International, a nonprofit organization that provides continuing medical education and improves community health worker capacity in maternal and child healthcare.

  • Dance Mama Dance (directing, filming, editing): a highlight video for the first installment of Malketha Maternal Services’ Dance Mama Dance. Initiative served as the Uganda cohort’s community project for the 2019-2020 year.
  • LifeNet International: Compassionate Care: (directing, filming, editing): compiled interviews of LifeNet International’s staff and partner community health workers asking, “What does compassionate care mean to you?” Video showcased on nonprofit Facebook page.

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